The 7 Key Principles: Detoxification

On a daily basis, we come across an overwhelming number of pollutants. Heavy metals contaminate our food, water, and air supply, while our bodies process dead cancer cells internally.

These toxins inhibit the body’s natural ability to repair itself and have been clinically shown to contribute to the onset of cancer. We use a number of cancer detox methods to cleanse the body of toxic buildup. These complementary therapies ensure normal functioning and enhance recovery.

Learn more in the video below about the principle of Detoxify and its role in cancer treatment.



On a daily basis, our bodies are exposed to a number of pollutants. From heavy metals found externally in our food, water, and air supply, to the dead cancer cells processed internally, these toxins prevent proper functioning and inhibit the body’s natural ability to repair itself. Our detoxification therapies act to complement your personal treatment plan, removing harmful metals and minerals, and enhancing your overall recovery.