Chapter 10

Parasites, Viruses, Fungi, and Bacteria

The microbiome refers to the ecosystem of trillions of microbes that live within us. The microbiome closely influences the immune system to maintain equilibrium, which can quickly become imbalanced due to exposure to toxins or certain medications. When this happens, cancer and pathogens can begin to flourish. In fact, 15-20% of all cancers are directly caused by infections from pathogenic microbes such as fungi, viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Research is only just beginning to discover how the microbiome is linked with cancer; however, it definitely appears to impact the effectiveness of cancer therapies and is even used to predict disease progression and survival! The microbiome-restoring therapies at Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers restore overall balance, support the immune system, increase oxygen levels, and kill cancer cells directly.

Healing from cancer isn’t just about removing a tumor or cancer cells. It’s about resolving the underlying factors that caused disease in the first place, and restoring your body, soul and spirit, using the 7 Key Principles of Cancer Therapy.
— Antonio Jimenez MD, ND